Место проведения:
Federal Institute of Espirito Santo, Venda Nova do Imigranti Campus, Brazil
October 30 - November 6, 2022
Topic: the concept of terroir as a basis of flavor and terroir as a basis for marketing strategy
Federal Institute of Espirito Santo, Venda Nova do Imigranti Campus, Brazil
October 30 - November 6, 2022
Topic: the concept of terroir as a basis of flavor and terroir as a basis for marketing strategy
limited to 20 participants
coffee professionals from all over the world
RV is a movable feast: every year it goes to a new location in order to support local roasters and baristas. In 2014-2019 we explored Russia from East to West and had to go online in 2020. In 2022 we are back to offline and this is the first time the project goes to the origin. Right at the source we are determined to explore the concept of terroir as a basis of flavor and terroir as a basis for marketing strategy. Coffee professionals from all over the world are welcome to join us October 30 - November 6 in Venda Nova do Imigranti, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Our key concepts include metabolomic project, scientific approach to definition of terroir and coffee potential, basic techniques of fermentation (covered by Prof. Lucas Louzada Pereira). Together with Fabiana Carvalho we are going to study canephora flavor wheel and discuss about customer’s perception of coffee. Linii Group are there to explore a farm from the prospective of marketing, territorial branding and storytelling. We plan cuppings of experimental and traded microlots and of course you can meet brilliant coffee professionals from all over the world.
The program will cover three main blocks of activities:
BLOCK 1: Terroir and technology (by prof. Lucas Louzada Pereira)
Espirito Santo state is a home to several Cup of Excellence champions. COE is a competition for arabicas, while most farmers of Espirito Santo produce conilons. Right now there are few competitions promoting quality improvements for canephoras, however, due to feedback from the consumers this variety has got it’s “second birth”. We’ve seen this happening in the Russian market. More and more farmers invest into processing and are trying to create a cleaner product. Professor Lucas will cover the aspects of how conilon processing methods evolved through time, and we will taste this in the cupping room. We’ll also visit the labs, where coffee flavor is designed.
BLOCK 2: Branding and business (Mikhail Gubergrits, Dmitry Burenko, Fabiana Carvalho)
All participants will get acquainted with cases of creating territorial brands and planning communication campaigns and apply the knowledge gained in practice to develop coffee shop brands. Also, we will provide all participants of the program with valuable materials – a territorial branding framework, a checklist for creating a brand platform and the communication matrix, and a brief for an advertising campaign and packaging design development.
Territorial branding. We get familiar with the critical aspects of creating territorial brands. We are talking about how stereotypes help and hinder the development of a territorial brand. We consider cases around the world and best practices. Let's apply the acquired knowledge in practice: we will examine the farm area and study the coffee production process, highlighting important information for the end consumer.
Brand platform: why the tool is needed, and how to develop it based on the features of the value chain?What is unique and valuable about your way of sourcing, roasting and packaging beans for brand development? The personality of the founders and the team in storytelling. We master practical tools that help audit the value chain's existing product and service features and highlight their benefits to build subsequent communications with the client. We create a brand platform. We are discussing what brand personality, tone and voice should be used at your coffee shop.
How to build storytelling in different channels? We consider the process of creating a communication strategy: we set communication goals and objectives and formulate a "communication message matrix". Let's look at examples of different advertising campaigns and discuss packaging. How a brand communicates with the consumer through various channels? We create a package design brief and set tasks for an advertising campaign in mass media and social networks.
We’ll keep studying storytelling together with Fabiana Carvalho and we’ll try to see a product from a customer’s prospective. Fabiana will share the existing approach to studying customer’s reaction on any product. Based on this RV participants will brainstorm to generate our own version of customer’s quality assessment protocol. Also, she will guide us to explore the new canephora/conilon flavor wheel.
BLOCK 3: Farm trips, cuppings and coffee buying
Federal Institute of Espirito Santo has many licensed Q-graders and R-graders. However, many farmers of the region use Cup of Excellence protocols to evaluate their coffee. COE score sheets give an opportunity to evaluate cleanliness of the cup and sweetness in a way much more relevant to final consumers than a CQI (Q-graders) form. This is why we plan to work and cup coffees in both systems.
IFES, Venda Nova do Imigrante Campus is a center, where scientists receive samples from all over Espirito Santo state, Caparao region and even more. IFES students set up a company called Farmer’s Coffee, which is specialized in trading microlots from local farmers. These are mountainous regions, so farm are small, the crop is collected manually and usually comes later than in other parts of Brazil. This means that during the Roaster’s Village the region will have their best lots to offer to RV participants. You can try them and buy them before anyone else will cup the coffees.
The lecture schedule will be available shortly before the start of the event.
Cost of program: 2500 USD
Cost of stay (3* or equivalent), meals and transfers from and to Vitoria (VIX) airport, farms trips: 1000 USD
The offer does not include: air tickets to and from VIX airport, COVID tests, insurance and other personal expenses.
If you want to join, please register via our form HERE or send an e-mail to moksunova@mail.ru .